12 Branding Questions worth asking

It's all well and good to dive into a re-brand for the aesthetics & design, and it's a huge part of it, but if your strategy, messaging, and values aren't clear, you'll likely find yourself in the midst of another 're-brand' in 6 months... which isn't really what you want.

Here's some questions worth asking yourself in relation to your Brand, whether you're in a season of re-alignment (like me!), or you feel like you just want to refresh yourself on what you're doing.

  • Who are you talking to? Who do you want to be talking to?

  • Who is doing similar shit to you, and how are you different? Why should people choose you over another similar business? (Everyone has their own unique voice, but you need to be clear on what that is)

  • How are you helping people in their day to day?

  • How does your brand feel? How do you imagine people experiencing it? Does it feel grounded and supportive? Does it feel exciting and refreshing? What's the vibe?

  • What are your core values? Choose no more than 5 max, and get ultra clear on these. Go deeper than just 'authenticity' — everyone says that, but what does it mean to YOU?

  • What do you not give a fuck about — at all, or anymore? What topics or offerings did you once love, but don't have space for now?

  • What feels exciting to you? Even if you don't know where it might lead?

  • If you are in a season of pivoting, why are you doing it? What hesitations do you have? How can you be sure it's not just 'shiny object syndrome' or the need for something *new*?

  • Can you distill your Brand Message down to one or two sentences?

  • Why doesn't your current branding feel aligned anymore? What needs to change?

  • What offerings are currently on the table that don't feel aligned anymore?

  • What new offerings could be on the cards, based on the new direction you're going?

These are all a mix of questions I've used with clients over the years, plus ones that have just come to me recently as I've been deep-diving on this re-alignment journey of my own. I hope they're helpful for you!


Thoughts on how to have a life AND run an awesome business


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