Turns out, bigger ain't always better.

‘Dial it up.’
‘Take it to the next level.’
‘Go BIG’…​

These were a few of the things circling in my mind on a walk a while back.

We see this shit a lot, right??

There’s this idea that when you have a chance to start fresh on something new, or re-imagine something you're already doing, it should be bigger and better than what you’ve done before. We live in a world of 'more', and that's not always a bad thing, but sometimes it can lead us astray, and on this day my gut was telling me to think about it differently.

So, instead, what if we focused on dialling it IN, instead?​

To me, this means getting back to what you actually do, and it forces you to truly hone in on what makes you different to everyone else doing the same shit.

As I was thinking over this, a story landed thats kind of a perfect illustration of what I'm talking about.

A while back (like, many years ago, lol), I dropped my OG Branding course, Be Unmistakable. It was a hit – short, sweet, people loved it.

But then, caught up in the hype of those massive courses, I thought, "Why not go big?". I spent a bunch on a fancy membership site (back in the days you used to hire developers to custom build you one), did the whole shebang.

And guess what? It kinda flopped. Turns out, bigger ain't always better.

Dial it in to where you’re at right now, and where you want to be in the future.
​Dial it in to what’s actually working for you. (Not what’s working for everyone else).
Dial it in to what your gut is trying to tell you, and what your bigger values and vision are for yourself and your business.

Go all in on what makes you different.​

Don’t dial it up.
Dial it IN.
Big difference. 🤘


Pick one thing.


A few things I've learned about creativity & business.